"its purpose is to build up the religious knowledge of the people, to teach them how to explain themselves and to encourage them to apostleship." (Handbook 38)
It is evident from the above that the establishment of branches of the PATRICIANS on a wide scale is very desirable. Praesidia, which do not have a branch, are encouraged to give serious consideration in their planning to the possibilities of setting up one. A study of chapter 38 of the handbook on the PATRICIANS might be taken as a first step. It may be useful to quote here some points from that chapter:
"Analysis shows the PATRICIANS to be a true child of the Legion, for it contains the various characteristic elements which combine to form the Legion itself; it is a projection of the legion system into the sphere of religious education. In this department Mary presides. It was site who brought Jesus down and gave him to the world. She has charge of all subsequent commununications of him to men. This dominance of hers is signnified by the altar which must form the centre point of the Patrician meeting. The Patricians gather round her to talk about the Church in all its aspects, that is, about Jesus who is present in their midst according to his promise."
"In the praesidium, the primary requirement is the obtaining from each member of a verbal report. The PATRICIANS strikes the same note; its primary aim is the eliciting of a vocal contribution from everyone."
"If the family spirit is established in which the "smallest people" feel at home, then the Patrician foundation has been laid. Each contribution will tend to 'spark off' another one, as each link of a chain draws another along. Gaps in knowledge are filled in, detached items are formed into the mosaic of Catholic doctrine. As knowledge and interest grow, the individuals merge more into the oneness of the Mystical Body of Christ and are penetrated by its life. In its other features, too, the Patrician procedure represents the application of legionary doctrine and technique. It is important that the legionaries should fully realise this so that they will throw into the working of the Patricians the same sort of conviction that they give to the praesidium."
"The PATRICIANS is a society controlled by the Legion Each branch must be affiliated to a praesidium, and the chairperson must be an active legionary. A praesidium may have charge of several branches. A branch must have a Spiritual Director approved by the Spiritual Director of the praesidium. A Religious may act as Spiritual Director and (where ecclesiastical authority permits) a lay person."
"The Patrician meeting is held monthly. Punctuality and continuity are essential. Meetings should not be omitted except it is genuinely impossible to hold them. It is not obligatory that a member attend every meeting. A system of reminding members of the next meeting wlll be necessary."
"There is no work obligation. No tasks are to be assiaged from the meeting. Pressure is not to be put on the members to take on additional activities. But the friendly contacts which develop should be used to lead people on in every way, particularly into Legion membership, active, auxiliary or adjutorian. Wisely used, the PATRICIANS can send out such strong impulses as will give benefit to everyone in the community,